What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta, and is there more caffeine in dark roasted coffee? Below are the answers to some of the most common questions about coffee that every coffee lover should know.

1. Why does my coffee smell burnt?


The question of burnt coffee has raised a number of theories around the world. Everyone has, at least once, experienced the shock of a terrible taste in the mouth, instead of gently entering the day with coffee.

Firstly, there is a difference between a sour and burnt taste. The Arabica beans have less acidic components than Robusta coffees, which are cheaper to produce but have twice the caffeine and acidity. Coffee’s bitterness gives it the recognisable “bite” and the right ratio will make coffee more or less fine, depending on personal tastes, just like in beer.

However, a burnt taste is never welcome. This is usually due to over-roasting of the beans, when the tannic acids come to the forefront, instead of the other, more desirable flavours.


2. How should my espresso look?


In order to be premium espresso, everything needs to be in the right measure; high quality coffee is the most important prerequisite, followed by the proper compacting of ground coffee, the proper water temperature (93 degrees Celsius) and that the coffee is properly ground. The top layer of the coffee should be a creamy later obtained through the liberation of carbon dioxide when espresso is made under pressure.

The colour should be golden-brown, the taste bitter but not too bitter, and certainly not acidic. It should also not be watery.



3. Is there more caffeine in dark roasted coffee?


This is the most common misconception, due to the darker colour. The truth is that all roasting of the same beans will contain the same caffeine content. Caffeine is actually very resilient in the process of roasting beans. The effects of roasting on caffeine are so minimal that they can only be observed under controlled laboratory conditions.

Light, medium or dark roasted beans have the same caffeine ratio. Unless they belong to different varieties. There are two main varieties produced in the world – Arabica and Robusta. Which brings us to the next question…


4. What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?


Arabica is more expensive to produce and is tastier, while Robusta has a stronger flavour.

Arabica beans have a sweeter and softer flavour, with tones of sugar, fruit, berries and a higher acidity, which gives it a bit of a wine-like flavour, which is the characteristic of coffee with excellent acidity.

Robusta has a stronger, heavier flavour, with a peanut-like aftertaste. It has twice the caffeine content of Arabica. Though Robusta is in fact a lesser quality bean to Arabica, it is prized by many in the espresso cup due to its strong aromas and good cream.

It grows at lower elevations than Arabica, is more resilient to weather conditions and disease, and gives fruit faster than the Arabica plant, which takes several years to mature. Robusta is grown in Africa and Indonesia, while Arabica grows in Africa and Latin America. Which you will drink is completely up to your personal preferences and personal tastes, but just remember, Robusta beans contain twice the amount of caffeine.

The average cup of Robusta coffee has 232 do 800 milligrams of caffeine, while the average cup of Arabica has 84 do 580 milligrams.



5. What is the difference between cappuccino, macchiato and caffè latte?


Macchiato is made from espresso and hot milk. Espresso is added to the milk in the ratio of 3/4 espresso and 1/4 milk foam.

Cappuccino is made in the ratio of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 hot milk and 1/3 milk foam.

Caffè latte is milk foam to which half an espresso shot is added, by gently pouring it through the foam on top. It all depends on whether you prefer and stronger or milder coffee version.